

Want to donate to us for FREE?

Your support is more vital now than ever before. But we appreciate times like this can be tough for everyone. That's why when you support us on EasyFundraising you will raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Seems too good to be true? Carry on reading to see how it works...

First, sign up to EasyFundraising and support our cause by clicking HERE. Then, once you have supported us, you can shop through the EasyFundraising website. Or, if you turn on reminders, they will notify you with a donation reminder whenever you visit retailer's sites. Once you have made a purchase, the retailer will give a percentage of the money you spend as a donation to us (without you having to pay a penny extra!). With over 4,300 retailers to choose from, you won't run out of opportunities to raise vital funds for our thriving theatre.

You can also raise funds through Amazon, by using AmazonSmile. All you need to do is search for 'The Questors Limited' in their charities and select it. Click HERE to seach.

This money would be such a boost for us, especially while our theatre cannot produce live shows. Over the years, we have raised over £6,000 through EasyFundraising, with only 100 people helping us. So just imagine how much more we could raise!

If you are still unsure about how it all works, then you can watch the video below which explains all you need to know...

The Questors Theatre, 12 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 5BQ
Box Office 020 8567 5184, Theatre Office 020 8567 0011
The Questors Ltd, Registered in England 469253, Registered Charity 207516
Creative Ealing